Merry Christmas Everyone!
Just a final reminder that if you missed a day during the NGA Xmas event, you can go back and revisit them today! Use the left/right arrow keys to cycle through the different presents.
Hope you all have a wonderful day :)
I make games and music sometimes
Pfp by @MZZA, banner by @bonumrex
Age 26, Male
Creator of things
Joined on 3/20/13
Posted by larrynachos - December 25th, 2020
Just a final reminder that if you missed a day during the NGA Xmas event, you can go back and revisit them today! Use the left/right arrow keys to cycle through the different presents.
Hope you all have a wonderful day :)
Posted by larrynachos - December 14th, 2020
Past Presents:
The xmas event is part of the 1.5 update, which also brings Blackjack and Pinball minigames! I hope you'll stop by Newgrounds Arcade and give them a try!
I'm currently juggling 4 new game projects and planning a 5th, but I still want to keep working on making Newgrounds Arcade better! Please feel free to drop by the NGA discord and leave some feedback and suggestions! Thanks for all your support over the months, hope you all have wonderful holidays!
Posted by larrynachos - December 3rd, 2020
Howdy NGang! Just dropping in quickly to tell you my new game is out! It's a fun little multiplayer experiment where you can run through 10 mazes with fellow NGers! I'd had this game mostly completed for a while, all I had to do today was throw some decorations and BGM and test the medals/scoreboards. I've got a few WIP games piling up, so I'm trying to get them done so I can focus on a bigger, better project.
I hope you enjoy playing!
p.s. Don't forget, the Newgrounds Arcade Xmas Event begins on December 14th! See you then ;)
Posted by larrynachos - October 27th, 2020
WOW, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! The release of Newgrounds Arcade brought me up to 600, and I somehow exploded another full hundred in a little over a month! I can't express how great this makes me feel, thanks to all of you! I hope I can please you with my future content!
Luigi's Mansion Pinball!
Yesterday I took a short break from the game I'm making in Unity right now to try my hand at 2d pinball. I chose Luigi's Mansion in the spirit of Halloween (and also it was my favorite game as a kid). I just think it perfectly captures the spooky aesthetic I love about October! I hope you enjoy playing the game, I've seen a lot of people getting some dope high scores! Happy Halloween Everyone!
Posted by larrynachos - October 25th, 2020
Howdy everyone! I just published the 1.4.1 update for Newgrounds Arcade, adding a new sandwich stacker minigame! I also added a few new songs and fixed the Line Rider hazards not doing anything. Have fun!
October 25 2020 v1.4.1
Posted by larrynachos - October 19th, 2020
Hello everyone! It's been almost a month, but I've finally released the 1.4 update!
I still want to make a Halloween update, but I couldn't think of anything interesting so I figured I'd just get this update out so you can appreciate all of the hard work @icy64 has done!
Here is the changelog for 1.4:
October 19 2020 v1.4 - Visual Overhaul #2 + More!
That's all I've got for now, see you all again in the next update!
How are you all doing? I haven't been engaging with the community as much as I should these past few weeks... I want to fix that! Got any good plans for Halloween? If I wasn't broke rn I'd be stuffing my face with candy and Domino's while watching classic Halloween movies and playing spoopy games lol. I started work on a 3d horror maze but it wasn't optimized for webgl and now I need to figure out how to get it to run correctly in browser or else it might not come out in time :x
(Edit) Also, I've just uploaded a new song! Go check that out :)
Posted by larrynachos - October 1st, 2020
Howdy gang! Sorry I haven't been pushing many significant updates to Newgrounds Arcade! I decided to try and make an animation for the Among Us contest, so I've taken some time to work on that. However, I just released Newgrounds Arcade 1.3.9, which totally overhauled the game select screen thanks to art from @Icy64! I'm planning on replacing the graphics for The Hub next, but I want to get as many fixes and features added as possible for the release of 1.4! If you have any suggestions for additions or changes, please let me know! I want to try and release 1.4 this week, then get to work on a Halloween event :)
So my questions to you: What would you like to see implemented in the upcoming 1.4 update? What would you like to see happen for Halloween, and what long-term additions would you like to see over the next few months? Thanks, can't wait to hear from you all!
Posted by larrynachos - September 22nd, 2020
Happy Madness Day everyone! Enjoying the new animations and music? Take part in the slaughter with my Madness Arena minigame (part of Newgrounds Arcade)! Fight off hordes of zombies and enemies, unlock new weapons, and fight till the end!
This post is mostly just so my profile isn't covered up by the Newgrounds Arcade changelog lol. Have fun and happy madness day!
Posted by larrynachos - September 21st, 2020
In an attempt to unclutter my game's description, I'm moving the update log to a news post! Thanks for the idea VicariousE!
Current Issues:
December 29th 2020 v1.5.1 - Friday Night Funkin'!
December 13 2020 v1.5 - Xmas Event!
October 29 2020 v1.4.2
October 25 2020 v1.4.1
October 19 2020 v1.4 - Visual Overhaul #2 + More!
September 30 2020 v1.3.9 - Visual Overhaul #1
September 27 2020 v1.3.8
September 26 2020 v1.3.7 - Madness Arena: New Weapons!
September 25 2020 v1.3.6 - Madness Arena Updates
September 24 2020 v1.3.5
September 24 2020 v1.3.4
September 23 2020 v1.3.3
September 23 2020 v1.3.2
September 21 2020 v1.3.1.1
September 21 2020 v1.3.1
September 20 2020 v1.3
September 19 2020 v1.2.9
September 19 2020 v1.2.8
September 18 2020 v1.2.7
September 17 2020 v1.2.5 - Madness Arena + Plushy Update!
September 16 2020 v1.2.3
September 16 2020 v1.2.2
September 16 2020 v1.2.1
September 15 2020 v1.2 - Social Hub Update!
- New multiplayer experience, The HUB! Walk around as any of your favorite NG character and chat with others! You can access the minigames within the hub by pressing F while hovering over them.
September 14 2020 v1.1.4
- Optimized Racer Rally and Air Hockey to reduce peer input lag.
- Reduced Racer Rally map resolution
- Decreased Racer Rally zoom level so turns aren't so surprising.
- Double checked medal and scoreboard conditions. Everything should unlock and post correctly.
- Tried to beat the infinite error loop in cinema by redirecting you to my nintendo switch remix. If that video pops up, that's why.
- Began work on a new minigame...
- Began work on a new multiplayer mode...
September 13 2020 v1.1.2
various fixes
1.1.3 hotfix - if you aren't receiving your plushy medals, the trophy room will now attempt to unlock medals for any trophies you have collected, just in case.
September 13 2020 v1.1.1
Added css stylings to volume sliders
Changed BGM slider floor value so music actually mutes
Lowered the resolution of the racing game map (saves space and performance)
Fixed expired discord invite
Changed trophy shelf BG
Tried to fix the infinite error loop in the cinema by redirecting you to my nintendo switch ui remix on youtube. Hopefully this prevents the infinite error loop. If this video plays, queue up another video and vote to skip with /voteskip
September 11 2020 v1.1 - New Multiplayer Minigame!
Racer Rally - A new 2 player top down racing game! The car mechanics are gonna need some fine tuning, but things appear to be mostly functional. If you find any bugs, let me know!
Added 4 new music tracks
Added mute button to cinema
Added discord button to main menu
Small behind the scenes fixes
September 10 2020 v1.0.9.4
small networking fixes
began work on a new multiplayer minigame...
September 9 2020 v1.0.9 - Movie Theater Update!
Added Cinema room. Meet up and watch youtube videos together!
Added some tiny tweaks to things. hotfix - fixed no notification sound, fixed chat errors.
10.9.3 hotfix - hopefully fixed some connectivity issues and issues with high scores not posting
Current Issues: Okay I think the movie theater is broken lol. It worked before I uploaded it, maybe newgrounds doesn't like the youtube player plugin I used.
September 9 2020 v1.0.8
Added toggleable chat notification sound
Added objects to air hockey to prevent pucks stagnating horizontally.
Had to slow down air hockey puck because it was clipping through paddles.
Beautified chat.
September 8 2020 v1.0.6 - MULTIPLAYER AIR HOCKEY!
Added new minigame: Air Hockey! It's multiplayer, so duel it out with a fellow player!
Added css stylings to buttons
Tried to fix some network connectivity issues
1.0.7 hotfix - made the air hockey puck faster, added a notification for others when you've entered the air hockey minigame.
Current issues: As expected, the networking on air hockey is a little janky. I play just fine with some people, and other times the puck will go right through me. I think it has to do with the quality of the connection.
September 8 2020 v1.0.5 - performance optimizations & more!
took out some webgl effects that were bogging things down.
changed the coin pusher machine to make the experience playing with others feel more instant!
September 8 2020 v1.0.4
Added alternate chat rooms to fall back on if you fail to connect to the main.
September 8 2020 v1.0.3 - Some fixes, wahoo!
Added volume sliders to the menu! Now you can customize how loud the ambience, sfx, and bgm are!
Fixed the bugs that were causing the background audio to play twice or more!
Extended the coin pusher so we no longer lose a few down the left side!
Hopefully fixed an issue where the array with the plushy names would reset it's y0, so when you win a plushy from the claw machine the message to everyone would display 0 instead of the name of the plushy you won.
Moved the chat button so it doesn't overlap the main menu button (was causing issues on mobile)
Current Issues: Found any? Let me know!
BGM will sometimes cut off? I think it's because of the things I added to prevent the BGM from playing multiple times at once :x
September 7 2020 v1.0 - Initial Release!
Currently 6 minigames, with 2 more in development and many more planned!
Minimal multiplayer features. Chat with other players, and work together and win big in the coin pusher machine! I'm not very good at network features, but I've been fiddling with a multiplayer blackjack idea!
Tons of medals to unlock and scoreboards to dominate!
1.0.1 hotfix - removed drop shadow effect from plushies because it doesn't display properly once exported. Added more Cacola music. Added audio preloading to the main menu.
1.0.2 hotfix - fixed Hominid Homicide Scoreboards (hopefully), fixed clearing storage not stopping BGM before refreshing the layout. Fixed host receiving double messages, and fixed bug where people are receiving the Rammy's Run medal early.
Current Issues:
Things are a bit rough on mobile. Like previous games, the physics engine runs slower on mobile. Also, some webGL effects display differently :(
BGM will play over itself if you exit and enter a game too quickly
Posted by larrynachos - September 20th, 2020
Thank you so much for 600... wait, 650 fans!!! That's nuts!
These past two weeks have been a trip! My latest game, Newgrounds Arcade, was a huge success for me! It got daily 1st, front paged, AND it's currently one of the best games this month! I can't thank you all enough for your support! It makes me so happy seeing people in the chat, chatting and playing games :) Sometimes there are over 10 people online at once!
The initial release was a bit barebones, but over the past two weeks I've pushed over 25 updates, including the Cinema, a place where you can watch youtube videos together, Racer Rally, a multiplayer racing game, Air Hockey, a multiplayer pong minigame, and Madness Arena, a single player arena shooter in the style of Madness Combat (released just in time for Madness Day 2020)! Each minigame is better than the last, and I'm really excited to continue developing more minigames!
Planned Additions:
My only wish is that anyone who voted low initially please return and re assess their experience! My goal was to keep Newgrounds Arcade at around a 4.20 rating lol, and we're not too far away! I was at around 4.35 at the peak, but now we're at around 4.11 and I know I can do better! If there's anything you'd like me to change or add to Newgrounds Arcade, PLEASE let me know! This experience is equal parts for you as it is for me :)
ALSO: If you are a content creator (musician, artist, etc) who would to contribute something to the game, please check out my help wanted listing. This game is about Newgrounds, and I'd like to help shine the spotlight on the site and it's users :)
I haven't been up to much outside of NG Arcade. I haven't worked on music since I got struck from both the NGADM and NGUAC. I'm nearly ready to release the album I've been working on all year, I'm just waiting for a collab track from @cacola and it'll be ready!