I really like this! Makes me want to dust off my guitar.
I really like this! Makes me want to dust off my guitar.
write and record whatever wacky, sloppy stuff you've got in mind
maybe you'll like the outcome
Finish this or I die
Too late, I already moved on ;)
Damn this post made me miss psychedelics lmaooo
Instructions unclear, spaghettified my cock whilst attempting to bang a black hole o.O
I'm not entirely sure I understand the point you're trying to make. I don't think black holes are comprised of antimatter, they're just runaway gravity structures that are so dense they prevent the light around them from escaping. Antimatter can't interact with matter without both being eliminated.
The track is a bop btw
I'm just saying, what if matter and anti matter are hella tsundere? Enemies to lovers? Secret fuck buddies?
Golly, the GRRR on this track!!! <3
Definitely feels like it needs a switch up. I want to put a section in between those two *^*
Do it! I'll export some stems tonight if you want? I can also block out parts if you want em. Shouldn't take more than an hour :D
Oooh yeah this rocks! At some points the vocals felt oddly placed spatially, but the instrumental was so heavy it didn't matter. Great work you two!
Hell yeah! The vocals being spaced odd may be 80s style chorus and vocal layering, and like a million layers of vocoders, AI vox in the back and so on. Whole project was a gigantic experiment for us both. At some point I just stopped counting all the layers!
Crispy quality! These are great, thanks for providing them!
Tyty <3 Be sure to @ me if you come up with anything super cool!
And let me know if there's something you feel it lacks for future projects!
This is pure NEWGROUNDS music <3 Some good old fashioned trance, Sytrus and all! Somewhat reminiscent of Fire Aura from The Impossible Game!
Great song!
Thanks, i appreciate it!
Aahhhh, the piano arp, plucky leads and thick basses work so well together *^* Awesome work on this one Quarl!
Yahhhhhh! Thank you so much Nachos :D
I don't favorite my own stuff on NG, mostly cause I don't want it popping up twice on my profile. My favs used to be a highly tailored list of my actual favorites but more recently it's become more of a like button lol. I really need to start using playlists and collections more often.
I do be voting 5 on my own stuff though, mostly games to get them out of judgement faster. I don't think it's unfair or unjust to vote 5 on your own stuff.
Yes, I feel the same way, I don't want it showing up twice on my profile as well.
The playlist and collections update is really awesome.
Yes, I also don't think it's unfair if it's an option it's an option. I actually didn't know people voted 5 on their own stuff, I learned that today XD
Thank you, I didn't know one's own vote contributed to getting submissions out of judgment.
This is great! Gives me super monkey ball/mario kart vibes! Keep it up!
Thanks, I really appreciate it. I didn’t think my inspirations really came through at all. Which is mostly Soichi Terada as well as 90s and early 2000s Japanese video game soundtracks.
I make games and music sometimes
Pfp by @MZZA, banner by @bonumrex
Age 26, Male
Creator of things
Joined on 3/20/13