A little under a week left, but if you're bored to death here you go. Gonna do more small challenges in the future if this goes well.
bye i love you
I make games and music sometimes
Pfp by @MZZA, banner by @bonumrex
Age 26, Male
Creator of things
Joined on 3/20/13
Posted by larrynachos - February 2nd, 2017
A little under a week left, but if you're bored to death here you go. Gonna do more small challenges in the future if this goes well.
bye i love you
Posted by larrynachos - January 14th, 2017
Give it a listen and tell me what you think! I've definitely improved over the last year!
p.s. i love you <3
Particle Mace: LFZTY-J8B84-MM8JD Splatter: 599N3-LLRKI-MVJ6T Fragile Ball: H6K88-ZBX2Q-BXJDG Spaceport Hope: WGKZ7-XE209-BWJ0E Greyfox: 8PL5B-LQB25-6V6F7 Howler: 36WQW-25QIV-0VLIH Camera Obscura: BWCK4-NEBKP-CX4L4 Saviors: LCP0Y-QK6JK-RPMQ6 The Hat Man: 273VA-PGATF-IHBNA Beep: 4W3XM-WEVI4-L3EQ6
Polarity: M0KF4-BBPCT-8AJT5 Fragile Ball: 6NX92-08564-52NMY Greyfox: PTBKK-3PRLG-YZQV5 Saviors: 23ZCZ-VEV82-6HIC3 Spaceport Hope: 4ZRKV-MPEMH-CCTAC
Posted by larrynachos - December 11th, 2016
Hey all! Haven't made a post in a while, but I saw that @Teravex released his new album Amethyst so I thought I'd shine a spotight on it for him. He's one of my oldest musician buddiest here on NG, and he's been around since 2013 but still hasn't reached 100 fans like @Cacola and myself. Let's fix that. His newest album has a lot of tasty house jams. My personal favorite track from the Amethyst is Skylights currently. Listen to the album here:
Also merry christmas. I got a bunch of steam keys, so I'm gonna be dropping them in random places, like videos on my youtube channels, in the descriptions of some of my older songs, and maybe other more obscure places???
Posted by larrynachos - November 8th, 2016
2016 is swiftly coming to a close, so I've begun looking back and reflecting on my music and how I've evolved over the year. To start, I'm going back and listening to every track I've released. I plan on making a youtube video discussing my growth over the past year, and my goals for the future.
However, I'm really terrible at analyzing and criticising myself so I'm turning to my fans for help! Let me know how I did in 2016. What was your favorite track? Have my changes in terms of branding and marketing made any noticeable difference? Have I been engaging with my fans as much as I have been? Am I treating you guys alright? What do you want to see more of in the future? I want to know! Leave me some comments down below, let me know your thoughts.
I've made a playlist of my personal favorite tracks of 2016. Give em a listen here:
P.S. Anyone here play xbone? I blew my paycheck on one last week to play with my console friends. If you want me to add you, leave a comment or message me with your xbox gamertag! Mine's larynachos (one R, I made the account when I was a wee lad). All I have for it so far is Halo Master Chief Collection, Halo 5, and Naruto UNS4 (fuckin love this game lol).
Peace out guys! Talk to you soon :)
Posted by larrynachos - October 17th, 2016
Hey everyone! I just wanted to make a quick post to say that if you want to support me, the best way would be to donate $1 monthly via my Patreon. If every fan donated just $1 a month, I would be able to quit my job at McDonald's and make music ALL THE TIME. I have a lot of cool ideas right now, but the shift manager keeps giving me 11 hour shifts (11-10), and it's hard to find time to create, which forces me to rush my work and shelve my ideas.
The rewards and stuff are just something I came up with on the spot, so don't feel obligated to pay more than $1 a month because I'll probably give all of my patreons all of the rewards. Even the smallest bit helps!
Also, you guys like vaporwave? I tried my hand at it today and I'm pretty happy with the results.
Also, go follow @Cacola. He's an incredible musician.
Posted by larrynachos - September 14th, 2016
Do you need more cute ferret videos in your life? I certainly think you do!
Shoutout to @thedukeofjuke for his cool music, which I used in the video.
I'm just about done with my 8th album. I'm working on a finale and then it'll be out for sale. SPEAKING OF PURCHASING MUSIC, you can pick up my entire discography for only $9.75 on Bandcamp! Click the link in my info to check it out! Individually, the albums are always like one or two dollars, so it wouldn't hurt to look! I'm might start disabling downloads on my tracks here on Newgrounds soon, idk.
@seprix and I have been talking about working togeether on some films! We're both amateur filmmakers who live fairly close together, so this is an exciting opportunity to finally work on video projects with someone!
Also, I've started uploading to my YouTube channel again. I was inactive for a while when I first signed up for Newgrounds, but I'm back in the game now! I'm gonna be uploading my music there, as well as a bunch of other things. Idk I have a lot of ideas haha. Make sure to subscribe to my
That's right, I finally made a Patreon! I'm getting tired of my part-time job getting in the way of my creative endeavors, so I'm trying to take the steps towards making my hobbies a career. It's a monthly donation, so you won't have to worry about me spamming you with a bunch of crappy content just to make money! I've set up a couple rewards which I think are pretty cool, and my only goal is to get $800 a month to cover the income I get with my part-time job. Of course I can make changes to the rewards if people have concerns, so make sure to speak out!~ You can check out my patreon (and perhaps donate?) . HERE
Gaming Channel (ew lol)
I've started a gaming channel, BUT I don't want to just upload crappy gameplay and stuff. I'm working on making some funnier scripted videos, machinimas/cinematics, reviews, challenges, and modding tutorials. Right now, I"m playing a lot of Super Smash Bros Brawl, but a hacked version B) Interesting? I'm releasing a tutorial on how to install it for the Dolphin Emulator soon.
Anyhoo, just wanted to catch up with all of you! I'm trying really hard to build not just a fanbase, but a community. I'm having trouble finding a niche, so I'm kinda all over the place. Hope you can forgive me! Have a good day, Newgrounds!
P.S. - GIVEAWAY (aka fan farming aka pls love me)
I have some keys for steam, as well as an iTunes gift card I'm never gonna use. If you want them, here are the conditions to enter the giveaway:
1. Fan me on Newgrounds
2. Subscribe to either of my channels (or both, I don't really care tbh)
3. Comment on a video from said channel (make it a real comment *^*)
4. (Optional) Follow me on Soundcloud
5. Comment on this news post :D
Good luck, see you next week.
Posted by larrynachos - August 28th, 2016
A little morning scenery to start your day.
Good morning to @etherealwinds @TeraVex @thatawkwardkid @cacola and @Techmo-X :)
Posted by larrynachos - August 27th, 2016
My new camera arrived today: a Canon T3 1100d! This video is just some random footage I filmed in and around my house. Just getting a feel for the camera's controls and settings. Also practiced some stabilization and color correction for post production. I'm very happy with these results, and I can't wait to work on more videos!
Any other filmmakers on NG? I know @Seprix has some experience!
Psst! Did you know you can buy my entire discography (12 albums) for only $9.75? Well you can, over on my bandcamp page (link in the sidebar)!
Posted by larrynachos - July 15th, 2016
I seriously can't thank you guys enough. Huge shoutout to @1ReVeLaToR1 for being mr 300. I don't really know what to say. It took less than a year to get another 100 fans, the 200th being last september. Thanks everyone! How about 400 by the end of the year :3
How you guys doing? Talk to me in the comments lol :D