
larrynachos's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,462 (From 251 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 22,190 Points

(Old) Newgrounds Arcade

Medals Earned: 63/63 (355/355 points)

Alien Hominid 5 Points

Won the Alien Hominid plush

Barbarian Boss 5 Points

Won the Barbarian Boss plush

Beefy Bear 5 Points

Won the Beefy Bear plush

Beefy Villager 5 Points

Won the Beefy Villager plush

Bitey Bat 5 Points

Won the Bitey Bat plush

Cat Guard 5 Points

Won the Cat Guard plush

Chris 5 Points

Won the Chris Plushy

Chutney Glaze 5 Points

Won the Chutney plushy!

Cyclops 5 Points

Won the Cyclops plush

Edd 5 Points

Won the Edd plush

Giraffey 5 Points

Won the Giraffey plush

Hank 5 Points

Won the Hank plush

Hatty Hattington 5 Points

Won the Hatty Hattington plush

Hominid Homicide: 100 Kills 5 Points

Killed 100 people in Hominid Homicide

Hominid Homicide: 50 Kills 5 Points

Killed 50 people in Hominid Homicide

Hominid Homicide: Survived 5 Minutes! 5 Points

Survived 5 Minutes!

Leo Plush 5 Points

Won the Leo Plush!

Madness Arena: 500 Kills 5 Points

Killed 500 enemies in Madness Arena!

Madness Arena: Katana 5 Points

Unlock the Katana in Madness Arena!

Madness Arena: RPG 5 Points

Unlocked the RPG in Madness Arena

Madness Arena: Shotty 5 Points

Unlocked the shotgun in Madness Arena

Madness Arena: Survived 10 Minutes! 5 Points

Survived for 10 minutes!

Madness Arena: Uzi It Up! 5 Points

Unlocked the uzi in Madness Arena

Madness Zombie Survival: 100 Kills 5 Points

Killed 100 Zombies in Madness Zombie Survival

Madness Zombie Survival: 50 Kills 5 Points

Killed 50 Zombies in Madness Zombie Survival

Matt 5 Points

Won the Matt plush

Monkeyface 5 Points

Won the Monkeyface plush

Pazzo 5 Points

Won the Pazzo plush

Pico 5 Points

Won the Pico plush

Pipistrello 5 Points

Won the Pipistrello plush

Portal Bot 5 Points

Won the Pbot plushy!

Rammy 5 Points

Won the Rammy plush

Red Knight 5 Points

Won the Red Knight plush

Salad Fingers 5 Points

Won the Salad Fingers plush

Satan 5 Points

Won the Satan plushy

Scratchpaw 5 Points

Won the Scratchpaw plush

Tank Man 5 Points

Won the Tank Man plush

The Behemoth 5 Points

Won the Behemoth Chicken plush

Tom 5 Points

Won the Tom plush

Tricky 5 Points

Won the Tricky plush

Yeti 5 Points

Won the Yeti plush

Zach 5 Points

Won the Zach plushy!

Friday: Funked! 10 Points

Got a score of at least 10 in the FnF minigame!

Madness Arena: Minigun Mayhem! 10 Points

Unlocked the Minigun in Madness Arena!

Madness Zombie Survival: 200 Kills 10 Points

Killed 200 zombies in Madness Zombie Survival!

Rammy's Run: Survive 5 Minutes 10 Points

Survived 5 Minutes

Unlocked All Plushies! 25 Points

You won all of the plushies from the claw machine!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 9/23 (85/410 points)

20 Stars 5 Points

Collect 20 stars in a single flight.

High Flyer 5 Points

Reach an altitude of 15m.

Hourglass 5 Points

Be flying for 1 minute.

Lift Off 5 Points

Travel 200m in a single flight.

Bird Hunter 10 Points

Reach 5x Crane bonus.

Easy Gliding 10 Points

Travel 300m without using any fuel during your flight.

Long Haul 10 Points

Travel 1000m in a single flight.

Profit 10 Points

Collect $500 in a single flight.

Galaxy 25 Points

Collect 100 stars in a single flight.

All Star 10 Points

Collect all the available types of stars in a single flight.

Close Call 10 Points

Escape from a stall at less than 3m altitude.

Flying Low 10 Points

Travel for 300m without exceeding 3m altitude.

Second Wind 10 Points

Get boosted by 3 windmills in a single flight.

Swan Dive 10 Points

Fly straight downwards at terminal velocity.

Big Money 25 Points

Collect $3000 in a single flight.

Daredevil 25 Points

Successfully escape from stalling three times in a single flight.

Efficiency 25 Points

Clear Japan in 30 days or under.

Icarus 25 Points

Collect 30 space stars in a single flight.

Supersonic 25 Points

Reach a velocity of 25m/s.

The Prophecy 25 Points

Clear Egypt in 21 days or under.

What Happen? 25 Points

Bounce along for another 100m after making contact with the ground.

Borbonne-Le-Bonne 50 Points

Clear France in 15 days or under.

Royal Mail 50 Points

Clear England in 8 days or under.

- Music in Motion -

Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/135 points)

Run and Jump 25 Points

Make it past Stage 1.

Disco Disaster 25 Points

Make it past Stage 3.

Falling Blocks 25 Points

Make it past Stage 2.

Music Maniac 50 Points

Defeat the Boss!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

1-Button Suicide Javelin

Medals Earned: 1/6 (10/260 points)

First Blood 10 Points

Hit yourself with the javelin

Sharpshooting 25 Points

Get hit on each of the five throws

What a flight 25 Points

Get over 250 meters on a single attempt

Master thrower 50 Points

Throw javelin to over 100 meters.

Pushing the limits 50 Points

Get over 350 meters on a single attempt

Suicide Javeler! 100 Points

Get an overall distance of over 1000 meters on 5 successive attempts!

360 Degrees

Medals Earned: 2/25 (10/485 points)

Full Circle 5 Points

Play 360 Degrees.

Baby Mode 5 Points

Finish with more than 5k points.

Learn 2 Spell 5 Points

Collect SKATE.

Mambo 5 Points

Collect COMBO.

Garbage Man 5 Points

Knock over all 10 garbage cans.

Magpie Pie 5 Points

Squash all 5 birds.

Pump It Up 5 Points

Overload the water system.

Video Nasty 5 Points

Find the Secret Tape

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The 900 10 Points

Flip 3 times in the air.

Rule Breaker 25 Points

Survive a whole minute after the timer ends.

Up and Coming 5 Points

Finish with more than 20k points.

Getting There 5 Points

Finish with more than 75k points.

Stylish 5 Points

Finish with more than 125k points.

Baller 5 Points

Finish with more than 300k points.

Pimp 5 Points

Finish with more than 500k points.

Big Name 10 Points

Finish with more than 1M points.

Superstar 25 Points

Finish with more than 2M points.

Board Lord 50 Points

Finish with more than 5M points.

BOARD GOD 100 Points

Finish with more than 10M points.

Two Birds One Stone 5 Points

Complete two goals at once.

Multitask 10 Points

Complete three goals at once.

Balancing Act 25 Points

Complete four goals at once.

Midas Touch 50 Points

Complete five goals at once.

Kali 100 Points

Complete all six goals at once.

4 Swords Misadventures 7

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/250 points)

Blizzeta Screamer 5 Points

Click on the button that says "When's the next one coming out?"

Red Link Bloopers 5 Points

Find the hidden Red Link button for bloopers and outtakes.

Robot Chicken 5 Points

Click on Cojiro the Cucco for a Robot chicken gag.

Chuck Norris 10 Points

Click on one of the statues during the scene.

Find the Sign Guy 25 Points

Click on one of Dark Link's clones to find the Sign guy right behind them.

Get on with it 25 Points

Click on Dark Link's sunglasses during his Matrix dialogue.

Zelda Bonus Scene 25 Points

After the credits are over, Click on Zelda's eyes in the middle of the screen to see her complain about the episode.

Dark Link's Milk 50 Points

When Blue talks about Dark Link, Click on the words "Dark Link" in the subtitles to see a deleted scene of the riot.

Sarias Song 100 Points

Press Down Right Left, Down Right Left on the keyboard to play her song.

60s Burger Run

Medals Earned: 5/10 (30/440 points)

Free Fall 5 Points

No, you can't fly!

Shortcut 1 5 Points


Bus Get 10 Points

finding the bus stop

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Shortcut 2 10 Points


Burger Get 100 Points

Game completed! Awsum Yay!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 4/8 (25/185 points)

Booted up this shit!! 5 Points

Play the game

Red as my blood 5 Points

Play as Redcon

Cozy place 10 Points

Finish a level and enter the item room

FUCK 5 Points


**splat sound effect** 5 Points

Play as Pigeon

What's new mate!! 5 Points

Talk to Shackler

Wack Attack 50 Points

Defeat the first boss

Kitchen Explosion 100 Points

Defeat Chef Allison B.

A Game in One Week

Medals Earned: 2/10 (10/380 points)

Good choice! 5 Points

Decided the genre of the game!

Maker 5 Points

You make man? No, woman?

Enemized! 10 Points

Escape the blocks!

Graphed up! 10 Points

Let's get graphic

Achiever 25 Points

Achievers, scavengers, what's the difference?

Designer 25 Points

Make your own level

Debris dodger! 50 Points

Beat day 4 without losing a single heart!

It's done! 50 Points

Finish the game!

Rapid development! 100 Points

Make the game in less than 24 hours!

Real ninja! 100 Points

Beat day 5 without losing a single heart!

A Ghostly Journey

Medals Earned: 1/8 (25/430 points)

Grave Yard Shift 25 Points

Left the grave yard

Credits 5 Points

viewed the credits

Back Outside 25 Points

Left the castle

Churchgoer 25 Points

Completed all church levels

City Slicker 50 Points

Reached the City

Code Breaker 100 Points

cracked the code on level 25

Home Sweet Home 100 Points

Completed the story

Set Them Free 100 Points

Freed all the lost souls