Total Medals Earned: 1,462 (From 251 different games.) Total Medal Score: 22,190 Points
Medals Earned: 15/15 (400/400 points)
Flight School Lesson 2 Complete
Flight School Lesson 1 Complete
Flight School Lesson 3 Complete
Flight School Lesson 4 Complete
Sort 50 items in the Sorter Sentries Minigame
Sorted 100 items in the Sorter Sentries minigame!
Sorted 150 items in the Sorter Sentries minigame!
Land on the moon, then successfully land back on solid ground
Landed on the moon!
Wow! You sorted 200 objects in the Sorter Sentries minigame!
Make 5 trips to and from the moon
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 20/25 (200/250 points)
KILL Levi Ramirez
KILL plufmot
KILL Stepford
KILL Zizou
KILL conundrym
KILL Connor Grail
KILL nokoi
KILL Droid
KILL heyopc
KILL MigMoog
KILL poptaffy
KILL Carter Sterling
KILL Andyl4nd
KILL meulinex
KILL SlickRamen
KILL Tom Fulp
KILL VoicesByCorey
KILL Xinxinix
KILL EpicJohn11
KILL SomeApe
KILL ayekerik
KILL PsychoGoldfish
Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/230 points)
Kill the bagel king on normal mode.
Kill the bagel king on insane mode.
Killed the bagel king without losing any health on normal mode.
Killed the bagel king without losing any health on insane mode.
Medals Earned: 22/22 (305/305 points)
Hit the floor
Create new life
Peek in the hole, I dare you...
Get it
I wonder if he's hiring?
Ride the Elevator
Get rid of the crows
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/345 points)
Complete New England
Complete The Southeast
Complete Texas
Complete The Great Plains
Complete Pacific Northwest
Complete California and The Southwest
Complete the game
Complete the game in less than 5 minutes
Medals Earned: 3/12 (20/330 points)
Press the scam button
Buy a dancing frog
Lose the game
Take candy from a baby
Win a cockfight
Listen to a voicemail
Change your desktop background
Upgrade the cosmetics tab
Get 30 points in Flappy Butterfly
Pay 5 weeks worth of rent
Pay 8 weeks worth of rent
Unlock hidden files
Medals Earned: 5/12 (55/460 points)
Make 5 consecutive shapes correctly
Complete the first pattern
Reach level 10
Make a pattern just before the times end
Make 10 consecutive shapes correctly
Play 3 times in a row
Reach level 15
Do one pattern in less than 1 second
Reach level 20
Make 15 consecutive shapes correctly
Like us on facebook
Score 1 million points or more
Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/115 points)
Start the game
Clean all debris and return to base.
Complete the game without scanning once.
Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/190 points)
Survive 10 seconds!
Survive 20 seconds
Survive 30 seconds
Survive 40 seconds
Survive 50 seconds
Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/105 points)
The official SHOOM
Reach like 6478 O's